The Voice of Swedish House Mafia

Swedish singer, songwriter and producer, John Martin,has shaped some of the most defining tracks across house and EDM. Best knownfor his work on the Grammy-nominated, multi-platinum-selling, Swedish HouseMafia single ‘Don’t You Worry Child,’ which sold over 5.5 million copiesworldwide, Martin’s ability to author moving lyrics and deliver them with hisrich and powerful voice has seen him collaborating with huge names like MartinGarrix, Avicii, Tinie Tempah, Tommy Trash, and Ella Eyre. He also providedlyrics and lead vocals for the multi-platinum, Grammy-nominated ‘Save TheWorld,’ double-platinum ‘Reload,’ ‘Children of the Sun,’ and ‘Now That I’veFound You.’ His debut single, ‘Anywhere For You,’ skyrocketed into the Top 10on UK charts, and as of 2018, he’s kicked off a brand new project withproducer, singer-songwriter, and DJ Michel Zitron: VCATION.

Martin worked hard to develop his talents whileperforming around his hometown for several years, before being discovered bySwedish House Mafia member Axwell in 2010. Bringing the singer-songwriter onboard to work on ‘Save The World,’ that single opened doors for him tocollaborate on other mega-hits, including Avicii’s ‘Fade Into Darkness.’ Healso began working on solo projects, releasing a series of well-received singlesand a collection of piano music titled Reflections. Martin’s last officialrelease was ‘Whiskey and Cola’ earlier this year, co-created under the VCATIONproject. The singer is still very active on social media, sharing insights intohis creative processes with an extensive fanbase.

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